Our Story

The NUS Formula SAE race car project started in 2001, when a group of enterprising third year engineering students dreamed of building a race car for participation after their graduation in the intervarsity FSAE competition, held every May in Michigan, USA. This competition attracts more than a hundred universities from all over the world, each showcasing a new car built by their own FSAE team. While it started life in this manner, the project has evolved into an important educational component of the NUS Engineering Programme. It now comes under the umbrella of the Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC) which is overseen by the faculty of Engineering. At the FSAE Competition in USA, our car and team represent NUS and Singapore, as we are the only participating team from this region.​

​For this competition, often regarded as the toughest inter-varsity competition, students must build a formula race car from scratch, something akin to what Formula One does, albeit on a smaller scale. The whole competition takes place over several days, during which the team is judges on its race car design, safety, energy efficiency, acceleration, handling, endurance, drive-ability and value- for-money. The car specifications must conform to all the rules in the FSAE rule book which exceeds 100 pages.

Every year the team selects about 10 second year engineering students out of a pool of up to 70 undergraduate applicants to form the new team. These students are given special evening classes on race car principles and engineering, as well as hands-on training in machining, fitting, welding, composites, manufacturing and other workshop techniques. They also learn from their seniors how to design and build a race car. They build one car in their third year as their third-year design project, and another in their final year as their Final Year Project. All NUS FSAE students double up as race drivers during the competition - before which they are given drivers' training.
Inception into Electric Vehicles
Fast forward to 2021, around two decades after the first competition with the ICE race cars, NUS FSAE took the chance during the COVID-19 pandemic to research and venture into Electric Vehicles.
The team successfully conceptualised and built Singapore's first fully electric race car within a year in 2022.
The next year, the team built a fully rule compliant R23e, competed in FSAE Michigan 2023 and attained a respectable 18th place out of 69 teams.

Contact Us!
Team Email
Founder / Project Advisor
Project Supervisor
Emeritus Professor Seah Kar Heng
Lim Hong Wee
NUS FSAE Office/Workshop
4 Engineering Drive 3
Block E4, #B1-02A
Singapore 117583