Incoming NUS Year 2 Student / Poly Direct Year 2
Passion in Engineering
Committed to self improvement

As a niche competition project, NUS FSAE students are expected to commit for three years up till graduation. Thus, NUS FSAE students will be unable to partake in Student Exchange Programme (SEP) or NUS Overseas Colleage (NOC). Additionally, summer and winter vacations will be spent working on the car as well.
Innovation & Design Programme (IDP)
As an NUS FSAE student, you will be enrolled into IDP as a second major. NUS FSAE can be taken as the following modules from IDP.
Group B: CDE2605R (4MCs)
Third Year Project: CDE3301R (12MCs)
Final Year Project: CDE4301 (12MCs)

Learning Outcomes
As part of NUS FSAE, you will acquire technical skills in engineering design, design optimization, design for manufacturing and assembly, testing and validation, race car tuning, competitive driving, and many more skills
You will learn Computer Aided Design (CAD), Printed Circuit Board (PCB), coding and various simulation softare used by industries worldwide. You will also experience fabricating parts of various complexity using conventional tools to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, laying of carbon composite materials, PCB manufacturing, etc. ​
Addtionally, there are supplementary roles like sponsorships, publicity, media, events, welfare and more.
Most importantly, you will pick up lifelong intangibles like teamwork, communication and management skills.

Do I need to be on iDP (Innovation and Design Program) before applying for FSAE?
No, FSAE application is open to all students in NUS Faculty of Engineering who are entering Year 2. It does not matter which Department you belong to or whether you are doing any specialization program. Our current team consists of students from different Departments within Engineering Faculty. However, it is recommended to join iDP for some modules to be mapped.
What is a typical FSAE program cycle for team members like?
The commitment spans three years, starting from Year 2 until graduation. The first year involves bootcamp and apprenticeship training, rapidly preparing you for the conceptualization of the following year's car with Year 3 and Year 4 seniors by the next January. During summer vacation, between Years 2 and 3, you'll collaborate on designing the new car. In Year 3, you'll build your first race car with final year students and represent NUS and Singapore at FSAE Michigan in June. Year 4 entails building a second race car, culminating in another competition.
Can I opt for IA (industrial attachment), VIP (vacation internship program), SEP (student exchange program) or NOC (NUS Overseas Colleges) if I want to be on the FSAE program?
No. If you wish to be on the FSAE program, you must be prepared to devote three full years (Years 2, 3, 4) to FSAE work. A special IA program within NUS will be arranged for FSAE team members.
If you are not decided about IA, VIP, SEP or NOC, you may apply for FSAE first to check your interest in bootcamp and apprenticeship training in Year 2. Selection to team will be conducted in December. You still have plenty of time after that to apply for IA, VIP, SEP, NOC or your preferred activity if you decide not to continue.
What does the annual cycle of NUS FSAE look like?
Jan to Apr: Conceptualization of the following year’s car
May to Jul: Design of car, computer simulations, and lab tests.
Aug to Oct: Fabrication of car
Nov: Break for exams
Dec-Feb: Electrical bench test, test chassis rigidity, assemble car for maiden run
Feb to Mar: Car suspension set-up, test drives, modifications, tune car for competition, drivers’ training, submit compulsory monthly reports to FSAE organizers in USA
Apr: Break for exams
May: Pack and crate car for transport to USA.
June: Competition in USA
Will FSAE work adversely affect my exam results?
It depends on the student. Some students do better academically after joining the FSAE team as they will understand better what is taught in the classroom. Others may suffer due to neglect of their studies. It is all a matter of proper time management and prioritization. Because of our reputation built up over the years, companies (engineering or otherwise) generally have a very good impression of NUS graduates with FSAE experience, and willingly offer them jobs without asking about their grades. Daring to race in a car that you built yourself is proof of your technical competence and self-confidence, more than exam grades and class of honours.
Is there a much heavier work load for students on the FSAE team?
There will be heavier work load for students in the FSAE team. However, the knowledge and experience gained in the team is definitely worth the effort put in.
What are the criteria for selection of FSAE team members?
We seek individuals with a strong passion, perseverance, teamwork, and problem-solving skills to join our Formula race car project. Dedication to strict deadlines, willingness to learn and active participation is essential. Ideal candidates should possess solid engineering fundamentals, a keen interest in cars/racing, and relevant experience.
How much time do team members normally spend on FSAE project?
You must be fully committed to getting the new car up and running, fully tested and prepared for the competition. We only have 1 year to bring our car from concept, through construction and testing, to competition.
During vacation time, you are expected to work at least 8 hours a day, ie. normal office hours. If there is a deadline to catch, you may need to work at night and through weekends as well. However, you may take short holidays and go for reservist in-camp-training.
During term time, the team works on the car between lectures and at night. We try to keep weekends free.
How will FSAE recruits be trained to design and build race cars?
Throughout your first FSAE year, Prof Seah will conduct night classes on race car engineering and you will have hands on experience assisting the seniors.
You will also be given relevant books or chapters to study in your spare time. You will be taught essential machining skills such as milling and lathing.
Your seniors will also teach you design tools like CAD (computer aided design) software for designing the car and for FEA (finite element analysis) software for design optimization. Proper use of hand tools, fittings, measurements, fabrication of composite materials will also be taught.
What do I gain from being in the FSAE team?
You gain plenty of practical engineering knowledge which you cannot get in class, and the personal satisfaction of constructing a competitive car. You may even be selected as one of our race drivers. It is a once-in-a-lifetime thrill to construct and drive your own Formula race car. Those who have graduated invariably find the three years in FSAE their most unforgettable experience in NUS, if not in their lives. Long before their graduation, FSAE team members are head hunted by companies because of our good reputation built over many years.
Have there been any accidents or injuries in FSAE before?
Accidents and injuries in motorsports can never be fully eliminated. However, these can be minimized with proper safety procedures, design and construction of the car.
We have our safety protocols in place and conduct trainings to ensure team members are using tools the right and safe way.
For car design, we make sure that calculations and simulations are done correctly and properly.
We also conduct diagnostic test drives and drivers’ training. After every test run, the car is thoroughly inspected for wear and damages. All this is very time consuming, but necessary for safety.
Contact Us!
Team Email
Founder / Project Advisor
Project Supervisor
Emeritus Professor Seah Kar Heng
Lim Hong Wee
NUS FSAE Office/Workshop
4 Engineering Drive 3
Block E4, #B1-02A
Singapore 117583